Monday, December 06, 2010
MAD Club - List of Contents
(Click on the links below to be directed to your page of interest)
List of MAD Projects
Type A: Group Projects (GP)
GP 1: International Blanket Day (IBD) / World Blanket Day (WBD)
GP 3: Tsunami Relief
- Don't Adopt Us!
- Safety for Field Volunteers + Update
- Detailed Requirements in Tsunami Affected Areas
- Tsunami Relief Contacts
GP 4: Pakistan-India Earthquake Relief
Type B: Individual Projects (IP)
IP 1: ASAD - A Smile A Day
IP 3: DYO - Donate your Organs
IP 4: DBBTTB - Don't Be Blind To The Blind
IP 5: LUBKTOA - Let Us Be Kind To Our Animals
IP 6: Adoption
IP 7: WANAYA - We're As Normal As You Are
IP 8: GC - Gain Confidence
IP 9: Appeal from SHM
Type C: Emergency Appeals (EA)
EA 1: Save Sukriti
EA 2: Please Help This Young Doctor
EA 3: Save Kanisha
EA 4: Spare a prayer for Preeti
EA 5: A Child Needs You
Other MAD Links
MAD Heroes
Dr Manorama and CHES
Making A Difference
About the MAD Club
Have you Gone Mad Today?
MAD Club - The Charter