Monday, January 17, 2005

Please Help This Young Doctor

(MAD Emergency Appeal #2)
(Posted by Shaffy)

This is an appeal for immediate help for a young doctor of only 23 years of age, who recently completed her medicine in the year 2004, but was diagnosed as a patient of ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA (blood cancer).

Here are the details:

Dr Sobia Parveen
House Ofiicer Civil Hospital Karachi
Dow graduate, Batch of 2004
Admitted for treatment at AKU Karachi
(M.R. no.117-82-18)



ACC.no: 101211185

Please donate all you can, it's about the life of a young doctor. A little help from you can save her life. She may not have much time, therefore, please be quick.


P.S. She did not survive. Many thanks for all of you who either contributed for her treatment or prayed for her recovery. She had dreamt of becoming a doctor and saving lives, but alas herself died young. Your continued prayers for her soul and her family would be very much appreciated.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Safety for Field Volunteers + Update

Safety for Volunteers:

If you know any potential on-site volunteers, please pass the following info on to them so they can take adequate precautions. Some of it is obvious, but one can never be too careful ...

1. Tetanus toxoid immunization, if possible, to protect you in case of any cuts or scratches. This is a relatively painless injection and can be given to you by your family physician. At present there is no advisory for any medical prophylaxis, but do keep checking the sites.

2. Mosquito repellent: To protect you from Vector born viral and parasitic disease. You could carry a tube of odomos and apply it to exposed skin.

3. Chlorine drops or tablets: Waterborne disease is the biggest threat, and you need to ensure your water is safe. One to two bottles should be enough, you need to follow the instructions on the package. For purifying water, Chloriwat or Jeevanraksha, both priced at rs 16 for 25 ml, lasting a week as well ( since you need 3 drops for 10 litres of water).

4. Hand disinfection: In case water for washing is a problem, a solution for disinfection is available - Sterillium, Rs. 75 for a 100 ml bottle, which should last a week.

5. Avoid eating raw veggies. Bananas are the safest food as they can be eaten unwashed, and can be peeled without touching the part to be eaten. Please ensure food is always covered and protected from flies. Flies carry a lot of bacteria because they tend to land on different objects before landing on the food.

Current requirements for field volunteers:

1. If you are Tamil speaking, you should commit at least 8/9 days.

2. If you are non-Tamil speaking, then we need a slightly longer term commitment. There is an urgent need for female volunteers who can commit at least 2 weeks. Male volunteers should commit at least 3-4 weeks.

3. There is also an urgent need for medical doctors who are willing to commit at least more than a week.

Immediate material requirement:

(Kindly only source for free in bulk—NO INDIVIDUAL COLLECTION DRIVES):

1. Soaps
2. Detergent bars (not powder)
3. Tooth paste/ toothpowder
4. Tooth brush
5. Hair oil
6. Sanitary napkins

For now no dry foods or medication is required. This will change in the next 4 days.

For the above materials, the requirement is between 500 and 1000 pieces each.

For detailed list of requirements (immediate and slightly longer term), kindly refer previous post.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Detailed Requirements in Tsunami Affected Areas

(Compiled from AID India, Red Cross, Akanksha as on 2nd Jan 2005)
(In order of priority)
(Items marked in asterisk "*" are needed urgently)

1. Money

Given below is the information from AID India (Mumbai) for donating money:

2. Medicines (all *)

If you wish to purchase medicines, please buy only one or two of the following in bulk and send. Try to avoid sending an assortment of medicines, as it becomes difficult for the on-site volunteers to segregate and classify.

3. Food (all *)

Must be packaged and non-perishable. High energy, easy to prepare is preferred.

Try and avoid sending food as most food items are available on-site. Send money instead. This will cut down transportation cost (from your city to the affected area). Also, on-site NGOs can negotiate a better bulk purchase deal from the suppliers there with the money you send.

4. Clothes and Other Items

Please note:


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